Pampering our planet

Last November 17th, we were participating alongside Microsoft and the FDI Foundation in this initiative to contribute our bit to the care of our planet.

The objective of the activity organized by the FDI Foundation was to pamper our planet through various activities with the collaboration of 153 colleagues from 35 partners and our friends from the Amás Foundation. Throughout the day, we contributed with:

  • Planting 600 trees of riparian species, ranging from 1 to 1.5 meters in height. The following species will be reforested: Populus alba (White Poplar), Populus nigra (Black Poplar), Fraxinus angustifolia (Narrow-leaved Ash), and Salix alba (White Willow).
  • Building dog kennels.
  • Constructing insect hotels and butterfly houses.
  • Constructing picnic tables.

More info here


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